Fulfill demand - Superhero App

The Superhero app keeps track of the near real-time location of all the volunteers. The app sends requests for emergency tasks to nearby volunteers with instructions on how to fulfil them.

Superhero app

Status: Deployed and used

(dated on April 13)

Available on Google play store : Link


The Superhero app tracks the near real-time location of volunteer assets like ambulance drivers, delivery crew, medical personnel, etc.

LOCATION PERMISSION - REQUIRED - To use this app, you need to enable location services at all times. - Background location access - the app will track and upload your location, even when you are not using the app. - This location information will be used to track the physical location of each volunteer. This location information is used to choose the closest volunteer who can help. - This will help increase speed and efficiency of the volunteer network. CALL PERMISSION - REQUIRED - Every request for volunteers will have an associated phone number. - Call permission is required by the app to place a call to this number. - You may dial the recipient by clicking the CALL button in delivery details.

Read - Getting the Superhero app prioritized review on Google Play

Last updated