Unified registration

One app, one Superhero Network. The registration process is unified for all assets from emergency services to delivery to transportation.

  1. All movable assets register on the Superhero Network through a unified registration process.

  2. The registration process collects data from the volunteers which is then used to classify them into different granular groups and classes.

  3. This allows for the unified tracking and deployment of volunteers.

  4. The government can mobilise all emergency assets with a single unified request from the Superhero Network.

The architecture is robust to deploy assets based on:

  1. Size/amount of items to be moved

    • If large quantities are to be moved, larger asset types (cars/jeeps/vans etc.) could be deployed.

  2. Accessibility of pickup and drop locations

    • Assets with motor cycles can be used if the pickup/drop areas have narrow roads.

    • If large quantities are to be moved, multiple small assets may be deployed.

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