
Sequence of steps to complete major tasks using the Superhero Network

Setting up the Superhero Network

  1. An account with Super-admin privileges is created for the head of state - Chief Minister/Governor

  2. Accounts for heads of districts & control centres are created

  3. Low-privilege accounts for control rooms running specific distributions like medicine, food, ambulances etc are created

Adding volunteers to the Superhero Network

  1. Volunteers install the app from Google Play.

  2. The authenticate their phone numbers using an OTP and accept location tracking permissions.

  3. An account for them is created with their details and added to the Superhero Network.

  4. Volunteers share the location with the server in a defined interval - currently set at 1 minute

    1. Heartbeat model with alarm based check

      1. A background service runs continuously and updates the volunteer's location in a fixed interval - say 1 minute. This is the heartbeat.

      2. To ensure that the heartbeat is on, a OS level alarm is triggered every 15 minutes. It checked to ensure the heartbeat is active and updating the user's location.

      3. If the alarm finds that the heart beat has been killed, it restarts the heartbeat.

Creating a request for a volunteer from the Superhero Network

  1. The control centre places a request for mobilising an asset from point A to point B.

  2. The network notifies the volunteers closest to point A

  3. Several volunteers receive the notification and one of them accepts it

  4. The accepted requests has details of the pickup location (A) and destination (B). It also has the contact number of the requestee.

  5. Volunteers navigate to the pickup location, and then collects the asset (medicine/food/patient (in case of an ambulance))

  6. Pickup is marked complete and then navigation to destination becomes available.

  7. Volunteer marks delivery complete when the asset reaches point B.

Tracking a request made on the Superhero Network

  1. All active requests can be seen by the admins and also details of individual requests.

  2. Notifications to the admin

    1. Accepted - when a volunteer accepts a request

    2. Picked up - when a volunteer reaches point A

    3. Delivered - when a volunteer reaches point B

  3. Cancellation of requests Admins can cancel a an accepted request. The volunteers are notified that the request has been cancelled and the session is terminated.

  4. Invalidate requests Admins can also invalidate a request. This is helpful to terminate unaccepted requests.

Last updated