Transportation facility

How the system can accept, manage and execute travelling requests in these lockdown situations. Recommended to be used only for emergency purposes.

In this Covid struck scenario, private and public transportation are strictly locked down to avoid further community spread and worsen the already pandemic situation. However currently relaxations are provided in cases of procurement of grocery, medicine or other unavoidable scenarios for now.

Restrictions and protocols for travel are in place depending on the phases of the corona disease infection spread.

Restrictions on Travel

Travel facilities will only be functional for Non-hotspot zones in the state. Phase 1 and 2 will support short distant travels within city or town. Inter-district travel will be supported during phase 3. The Geofencing feature in the Super app will ensure respective protocols are in place in various zones.

We recommend a passenger to avail travel facilities only in the need of an unavoidable situation. To ensure this, a passenger needs to provide proper reason why the want to go out of home.

Super app for Travel


‌The Super app is used to book a travel.

  1. The passenger provides details of pickup, destination and choice of vehicle for commuting.

  2. Fare will be auto calculated and displayed, which will be paid before the end of travel.

  3. Payments will be handled through UPI’s. STRICTLY NO CASH PAYMENTS. The customer transfers the payment to the merchants’ UPI handle account.

    Check here for more details on Payment method.

Super-Hero app for the driver volunteer

‌The auto and taxi drivers are given proper training and onboarded to the system.

General rules to be followed

  1. A driver will always wear masks and also provide masks for the passenger if needed.

  2. The number of passengers in an auto and taxi will be restricted to one and two passengers respectively.

  3. Hand sanitisers should be made available for the driver and the passenger.

  4. At all situations possible, air conditioning in the vehicle should be avoided.

  5. Strict maintenance of at least 2 metres distance with all people.

‌The auto, taxi driver registers to the system using the Superhero Network app. Location and data services are requested to be enabled throughout to secure smooth functioning of the app.



  1. ‌As a travel request is received in the system, the nearest taxi driver is notified via the Superhero app instantly.

  2. Upon accepting, driver gets navigated to the passengers location.

  3. After accepting in the passenger, the driver then navigates to the destination.

  4. Upon reaching the destination, the driver marks complete in the app.

Use Cases

‌For NRI’s - From the airport to a Corona Care Centre is tested positive.

For Govt employees and for other permitted sectors workers in the respective phases.

‌For Attendees of unavoidable functions such as marriages, funerals etc.

Last updated