Food delivery

The system can accept, manage and execute food delivery requests in these lockdown situations.

Due to lockdown in place, people can't go outside to have food and beverages. Also, procurement of groceries and other essentials like cooking gas etc for food preparation are also difficult. In such a scenario, a centralised food production unit having the capacity to fulfil the food requests of the hunger-struck is very important and even life-saving in many cases.

The Food production centre would receive food requests from the needy people in the locality. The food will be prepared by registered volunteers in FPC and the food delivery will be carried out by the delivery volunteers registered in the Superhero network system.

With this system in place, we can ensure no one in the state will ever remain hungry, optimise the available food resources effectively so no food goes to wastage and assemble a voluntary force for carrying out food delivery.

Using Superhero app for food delivery

Super app for the Customer


  1. Super app will showcase all the types of food, beverages and other delicacies available within the deliverable area of the customer.

  2. The customer confirms the food and quantity required for delivery, thus placing a food request.

  3. Payments will be handled through UPI’s. STRICTLY NO CASH PAYMENTS. The customer transfers the payment to the merchants’ UPI handle account.

  4. Check here for more details on Payment method.

  5. The app also has an option to suggest other foods of choice for the customer, so it can be prepared by FPC in the future.

Food request viewing console for Food production centres:

FPC’s will be handling the food preparation part of the system. FPC’s can be Community Kitchens, Cloud kitchens, Government undertaken hotels, Kudumbashree food centres etc. There will be a preference for FSSAI license holders. In the beginning, FPC’s can operate serving the minimum capacities since the food request demands are unknown. Superhero system can predict the rise in food request once the system is operational and these insights are shared to FPC’s for increasing serving capacities, ensuring all request received are fulfilled.


FPC’s will register to the Superhero network via the food request viewing console.

Details such as Location (District, Municipality, Panchayat), food types, serving capacity are entered.


  1. The registered vendor will receive the username and password to login into the food request viewing console system.

  2. Upon login, the vendor can view all the food requests and other relevant details received for the kitchen.

  3. After the preparation, the food delivery volunteer reaches the kitchen for dispatching the food.

  4. The volunteer shares the UPI ID of the customer from the delivery app to the vendor. The vendor requests the payment for the food directly from the customer through the console system.

  5. Upon payment confirmation, the volunteer receives the food parcel from the kitchen.

Super-Hero app for the Delivery volunteer

The food delivery can be managed through the voluntary task force in the state. These volunteers will be given proper training before being deployed for duty.

General rules to be followed

  1. Mandatory wearing of masks at all times.

  2. Proper hand sanitisation after contact with the food parcels.

  3. Strict maintenance of at least 2 metres distance with all people.


  1. The volunteer uses the generated password to sign-in to the food delivery app.

  2. The app receives food delivery request notifications, based on the location of the volunteer. The notifications also contain details such as community kitchen location, food item to be delivered, customer information such as quantity, location and total cost for payment.

  3. Upon accepting the request the volunteer gets maps details to navigate to the kitchen.

  4. Customer UPI ID is shared to the vendor for payment and after confirmation, the volunteer gets navigation details to the customers’ location. He then completes the delivery request.

Last updated